
the big reveal!

Hey all,
i told you i would give you a sneak preview of my recently transformed, "love in the city" project.

Here are a few of my images that i came up with whilst in the recent anger of each argument.
each image is a pure visualisation of whats going on in my mind. 
well here you go ...

 Ever felt as if there was a "pointless" mood. well every time we would argue all he would do is fall asleep as if nothing had happen. Leaving me just sitting there, back to back. all so pointless. The idea of sharing a bed is the same as shearing your love. Love was not spread that evening so the sharing bed part was not needed. All i wanted to do is for him to go away and realise what happened. I felt empty, upset, and disappointed. Nothing around me mattered. I wanted love.

This is a version from photoshop. The textures,  adds that harsh tension.
wWith this one i had enough. felt as i i was always doing something wrong. I was never right. When i slipped up he would make sure to rub it in my face. I felt useless and there was nothing i could do that would change that. I had so much to let out and release but he never aloud me to speak because he would always answer back and reject what i had to say. My head was bursting with stuff that needed to be release in and big scream. So i did.

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