
Love in the City developement.

Originally i had the idea of setting my love scene in the city, because of modern living and the surprises it brings. due to further development with my story board. i decided against the strong theme of the city. to lock down on a specific theme was a good idea at the start but when looking into it realistically, the story would be too long and complicated to do successfully in the amount of time that i had. 3 weeks !!!

After developing my basic imagery i decided that the 'city' part of my story wasn't as important and took over the idea of love. so there no preference to location except in certain scenes where a location is needed.

mixing ink, water colour and my text together to see if colour would create an interesting image.
i think it works. but i want my comic to have a interactive feel to it. i want layers and more textures.
and reflect on the modern day setting.

part of my crit was realising that i needed to be more specific with my characters. These fingers need have elements of interaction between them, as in body language and form. I have a male and female bond in my story so it is important that the viewer can distinctly recognise which is the female and male.

I now have my scenery and my characters the next step is putting them together. These are a few of my experiments with mixing me media, text and colour in different compositions.
Each one holds specific imagery that expresses whats going on in each segment of the story.

I find modern simplistic imagery very effective. less is more. which is what i feel these selct compositions reflect, but the background doesn't hold a strong link to the theme of love. maybe a change of colour to change the mood, or introduce block colours.

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